A MAC address is something that can specifically identify a device to a network, and your iPhone 5 has its own MAC address. The “MAC” part of this phrase stands for “Media Access Control.” This information may not be something that the typical iPhone user will ever need to know but, depending upon the requirements of […]
How to Change the Personal Hotspot Password on an iPhone 5
Mobile devices, such as laptop computers or tablets, don’t often have the ability to connect to the Internet without a Wi-Fi network. Fortunately the iPhone has a feature called Personal Hotspot, and you can share the password for your Personal Hotspot network with other device that you permit to use your data. The Personal Hotspot effectively […]
How to Disable LTE in iOS 9
LTE networks that are accessible with your iPhone are usually the fastest type of cellular network to which you can connect. This makes it much easier to browse the Internet, watch videos, download files, and perform just about any other task that requires a connection to the Internet. In fact, perhaps the only faster way […]