The apps on your iPhone often update in the background in order to refresh the information that they use and display. This type of background refresh requires some of the resources on your iPhone, which means that some of your battery life is being used. Each one of these checks has a minimal impact on your battery usage but, when you combine all of the checks done by each app over time, that can cause a reduction in your battery life.
Fortunately this Background App Refresh function is not required, and you can turn it off. The steps below will show you how.
Stop Background App Refresh on an iPhone 7
These steps were performed on an iPhone 7 Plus, in iOS 10. This is going to stop all of the apps on your iPhone from refreshing in the background. This will reduce the amount of battery life that this activity previously consumed, but you may notice some slight differences in the way that your apps behave, as well as a potential increase in the amount of time that you have to wait before the information in certain apps is updated.
Step 1: Open the Settings menu.
Step 2: Scroll down and select General.
Step 3: Select the Background App Refresh option.
Step 4: Turn off the Background App Refresh option.
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Gary Thompson has been in IT consulting since the mid 2000s, and enjoys writing about mobile devices and computers. His primary topics of interest include iPhones and Windows, but he has written about many other devices and applications.